“Song of the Bandits,” a much-anticipated Netflix K-drama series, is scheduled to debut in 2023. Fans
are anxiously anticipating its release since filming has just wrapped it. Here is a summary of what we
currently know about the show.
Song of the Bandits Release date
Song of the Bandits is an upcoming South Korean streaming television series directed by Hwang Jun-
hyeok, written by Han Jeong-hoon, and starring Kim Nam-gil, Seohyun, Yoo Jae-myung, Lee Hyun-wook,
and Lee Ho-jung. It is scheduled for release on Netflix on September 22, 2023.
The Cast And Crew
Kim Nam Gil as Lee Yoon: Known for his work in K-dramas like “Pandora,” “The Shameless,” and “The
Fiery Priest,” Kim Nam Gil, makes his official Netflix debut in this series. Seo Hyun as Nam Hee Shin: Seo
Hyun, a former member of Girls Generation and acclaimed stage performer in Korean adaptations of
“Gone with the Wind” and “Mamma Mia!,” also make their Netflix Original debuts in the show. Yoo Jae
Myung as Choi Choon Soo: Having appeared in multiple Netflix Original shows, including “Itaewon
Class,” “Vincenzo,” “Juvenile Justice,” and “The Sound of Magic,” Yoo Jae Myung brings his talent to
“Song of the Bandits.” Lee Hyun Wook as Lee Kwang Il: Lee Hyun Wook, recognized for his roles in Netflix
originals like “Mine,” “Remarriage and Desires,” and “#Alive,” as well as other dramas such as “Search”
and “She Would Never Know,” joins the cast. A new South Korean streaming television show called Song
of the Bandits will be produced by Hwang Jun-hyeok, written by Han Jeong-hoon, and directed by Kim
Nam-gil, Seohyun, Yoo Jae-myung, Lee Hyun-wook, and Lee Ho-jung. On September 22, 2023, Netflix
will make it available.
The Plot
“Song of the Bandits” is an upcoming action melodrama set in the 1920s, a time marred by the Japanese
colonial period. The story revolves around a group of individuals who, faced with the loss of their
livelihoods, courageously uniting to protect their families and comrades. Despite limited plot details, the
series promises to offer a compelling narrative of resilience and determination during a challenging
historical era.
When did filming for “Song of the Bandits” conclude?
Production for “Song of the Bandits” concluded on December 16th, 2022. The series, as described on
mydramalist, is an action melodrama taking place in the 1920s amidst the Japanese colonial period.
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