“Lupin” is a hit TV show based on the classic character Arsène Lupin. It follows Assane Diop, a master thief seeking revenge against a wealthy villain who framed his father. The series, created by George Kay and François Uzan, became a massive success on Netflix, with 70 million households watching in its first month. Lupin Part 3 is highly anticipated.
Lupin Part 3: Release Date
The release date for Lupin is October 5, 2023. Fans will be pleased that the series is finally making a
comeback because it has been two years since the previous episode.
The Cast And Crew
Omar Sy, the award-winning actor known for “Intouchables,” returns as Assane Diop in Part 3.
Ludivine Sagnier is expected to reprise her role as Claire, Assane’s estranged wife. Other cast members
include Etan Simon as their son Raoul, Soufiane Guerrab as Detective Youssef Guédira, Shirine Boutella
as Lt. Sofia Belkacem, Vincent Londez as Capitaine Romain Laugier, and Antoine Gouy as Benjamin Fere.
Where Is ‘Lupin’ Part 3 Available to Stream?
In order to follow the adventures of France’s most sought-after man, you may purchase a Netflix Basic.
Standard or premium subscriptions are available for $9.99, $15.99, or $19.99, respectively. Part 3 will
be available on Netflix. You can presently watch Lupin Parts 1 and 2 on Netflix to get a head start on the
upcoming episodes while watching the older ones.
On September 24, 2022, Netflix published the official trailer for Lupin Part 3 as part of their TUDUM
presentation. In the teaser, Assane describes how he exacted revenge on his father and then felt
compelled to return to the light despite wanting to hide in the shadows to protect his family. It’s time for
him to vanish right now. And it appears that he has done so because, despite the fact that he is on every
front page and that everyone is talking about him, he is not to be found. It could be more difficult to hide,
though, with his face splashed all over town as a wanted man and everyone on the watch for him. The
teaser gets us ready for all the intrigue and action in Lupin Part 3.
On September 6, the official Lupin Part 3 teaser was unveiled, giving us the most thorough preview of
the upcoming season. The clip displays Assane’s customarily slick demeanour and his propensity for
masterful disguising. But it’s not all fun and games, as Assane’s family is under attack from a new foe. Take
a look at the following two-minute video:
The Plot
The official synopsis for Lupin Part 3 reads,
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