The next Captain America film, titled “Captain America: Brave New World,” features Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson, who has taken up the Captain America mantle. It was announced at San Diego Comic-Con in 2022 as part of the MCU’s Phase Five. Sam Wilson’s journey as the new Captain America began in “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” series, with Sebastian Stan’s Bucky Barnes and Emily VanCamp’s Sharon Carter playing important roles. Wyatt Russell portrayed the faux Captain America turned villain U.S. Agent, and Daniel Brühl returned as Baron Zemo. While the full cast hasn’t been confirmed, there’s a lot of anticipation for the film.
Captain America: Brave New World: Release date
Captain America: Brave New World was scheduled for a May 3, 2024, release, but it has since been
delayed and will now arrive in theaters on July 26, 2024. Marvel has made some sweeping changes to
their film schedule recently, with Captain America 4 being just one of the movies affected.
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The Cast And Crew
Anthony Mackie will portray Captain America, while Danny Ramirez and Carl Lumbly reprise their roles
as Joaquin Torres and Isaiah Bradley from the “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” series. Tim Blake
Nelson and Liv Tyler will also return to their roles from 2008’s “The Incredible Hulk,” playing Samuel
“Leader” Sterns and Betty Ross, respectively.
It was revealed that Harrison Ford would replace Ross in 2022. Ford discussed his reasons for accepting
the role in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter:
Shira Haas, known for her role in Netflix’s “Unorthodox,” will play Sabra, Marvel’s first Israeli superheroine
and a mutant. Xosha Roquemore will also have an undisclosed role in the film. Julia Louis-Dreyfous will
reprise her role as Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, causing trouble for the heroes. Sebastian Stan
won’t return as Bucky Barnes in this film, as he’s set to appear in the Thunderbolts movie, led by Val
(Louis-Dreyfous). WWE star Seth Rollins has also joined the cast in an undisclosed role, with speculation
that he might be playing a villain.
The Plot
The plot of “Captain America: Brave New World” has been kept secret, but director Julias Onah has
described it as a “paranoid thriller,” hinting at suspense and intrigue. The film appears to draw inspiration
from “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” known for its political espionage themes. It delves into
broken political systems and government distrust, similar to the Captain America series. However, the
exact fascist conspiracy Sam Wilson will face remains unknown.
Harrison Ford will take on the role of General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, succeeding the late William
Hurt, who portrayed the character in four films. Sam Wilson and Ross have a history, with Ross
imprisoning Wilson for violating the Sokovia Accords. Executive producer Nate Moore has indicated that
Sam Wilson will clash with Thunderbolt Ross in the film.
Does Captain America: Brave New World have a trailer?
No official Captain America 4 trailers or footage have been released as of yet. We may get a sneak peek at
the movie by the end of the year or early in 2024, depending on how far along they are with post-
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. Who is going to be in Captain America Brave New World?
Harrison Ford joins the film as Thaddeus Ross. Anthony Mackie, Danny Ramirez, and Carl Lumbly return to
their roles from ‘The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.’
Q. Who is the main villain in Brave New World?
Brave New World will bring back Samuel Sterns (Tim Blake Nelson) from The Incredible Hulk. Sterns, of
course, is also known as The Leader.
Q. Is Captain America Brave New World done filming?
Filming wrapped on June 30, 2023.