The upcoming ‘Blade’ Movie 2024 film marks Marvel’s fresh take on the iconic vampire hunter, set to join the MCU. Announced in July 2019, the movie stars Mahershala Ali in the lead role. The original Blade trilogy with Wesley Snipes was a hit, boosting the character’s popularity. While details are limited, anticipation is high for this reboot, and fans are eager for updates on the plot, casting, filming, and release dates.
Blade Movie 2024: Release Date
In addition to providing an update on production, Marvel said at their SDCC 2022 panel that Blade will hit
theaters on November 3, 2023, a day that falls just after Halloween. Nevertheless, the movie was
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postponed nine months to September 6, 2024, after the director left the project.
The Cast And Crew
Mahershala Ali leads the cast of the new Blade movie, joined by Delroy Lindo (Da 5 Bloods), Aaron Pierre
(Krypton, The Underground Railroad), and Mia Goth (X, Pearl). Lindo and Pierre’s roles are undisclosed,
while there are rumors about Antony Starr potentially playing Dracula. Mia Goth’s addition brings
anticipation for her undisclosed character, given her impressive work in X and Pearl. The ensemble cast
promises an exciting mix for the MCU’s Blade reboot.
The Plot
Details about the new Blade movie’s plot are scarce, and no official synopsis has been released. The
character’s comic book origin involves Blade, born Eric Brooks, being a unique half-human, half-
vampire baby after his mother is attacked by a vampire. The film might explore this origin, but there’s
speculation on whether the MCU will follow it closely or take creative liberties.
Given the long gap since the first Blade movie, there’s a possibility of providing a recap for new audiences.
Alternatively, the MCU could introduce Blade in an earlier film and delve into his story in the solo movie.
Former director Bassam Tariq emphasized a character-first approach, suggesting a departure from strict
adherence to comic canon. With filming yet to start, fans await more insights into Blade’s cinematic
Is the New Blade Movie Rated R or PG-13?
At the February 2021 Marvel Studios presentation at the Television Critics Association, Kevin Feige raised
some eyebrows when he hinted that Marvel would adhere to a PG-13 classification for films going
forward, except Deadpool 3. His precise remarks were:
The absence of an R rating doesn’t necessarily mean the new Blade movie won’t be successful. While the
original Wesley Snipes Blade trilogy was R-rated and known for its intense violence, a PG-13 rating for the
reboot doesn’t rule out a compelling film. Fans may still hope for a similar level of intensity, even without
excessive gore. The actual rating remains unknown, leaving audiences curious about the tone and
approach the MCU will take with the iconic vampire hunter.
How Does the New Blade Movie Fit Into the MCU Timeline?
The new Blade movie, announced during SDCC 2019, is confirmed to be part of Phase 5, not Phase 4,
according to Kevin Feige. This placement suggests it will follow the multiverse-shaking events of Doctor
Strange 2 and other significant changes in films like Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania and Fantastic
Four. However, there’s a possibility it could be set in the past, similar to Marvel’s approach with Black
Widow and Captain Marvel.
As the production is still in its early stages, the movie’s release timing within Phase 4 or Phase 5 remains
unconfirmed. Fans can expect more details about Blade’s setting and timeline as the film progresses
towards production.
How many movies are available for Blade series?
The Blade film series consists of three movies, which were released between 1998 and 2004.
1. Blade (1998):
Directed by Stephen Norrington, this film introduces the character Eric Brooks, also known as Blade,
portrayed by Wesley Snipes. Blade is a vampire hunter with unique abilities, including being a half-
vampire himself. The movie follows Blade as he battles vampires and confronts the vampire overlord
Deacon Frost.
2. Blade II (2002):
Directed by Guillermo del Toro, Blade II continues the story of the vampire hunter. In this installment,
Blade forms an uneasy alliance with a group of vampires to combat a new threat, the Reapers, who pose a
danger to both vampires and humans. The film explores themes of alliances and betrayals.
3. Blade: Trinity (2004):
Directed by David S. Goyer, who also wrote the screenplays for all three films, Blade: Trinity sees Blade
facing new challenges. He becomes the target of the FBI, and a group of vampires resurrect the ancient
vampire Dracula. Blade teams up with a group of vampire hunters known as the Nightstalkers to take on
this powerful adversary.
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