Kevin Smith revived the beloved 80s superhero He-Man in Netflix’s animated series, “Masters of the Universe: Revelation.” The sequel, titled “Masters of the Universe: Revolution,” is set to release in 2024. Serving as a spiritual sequel to the 80s series, it disregards the 1990s installment. “Revelation” received positive reviews but was criticised for its minimal focus on He-Man. The sequel promises a shift in emphasis, as seen in the teaser. With Smith as the executive producer, the series boasts a stellar cast and Powerhouse Animation Studios’ signature art style.
Masters of the Universe Revolution Release date
As per the latest tweet from Netflix’s Geeked Week, Masters of the Universe: Revolution is going to set the screen ablaze on January 25, 2024.
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The Cast And Crew
The star-studded ensemble voice cast from “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” is set to return for the sequel, “Masters of the Universe: Revolution,” with a few changes and new additions. Chris Wood, Mark Hamill, Liam Cunningham, Tiffany Smith, Lena Headey, Diedrich Bader, Alicia Silverstone, Stephen Root, Tony Todd, Justin Long, and Gryphon Newman will reprise their roles. Harley Quinn Smith joins as Illena, while Melissa Benoist replaces Sarah Michelle Gellar as Teela. Meg Foster, who played Evil-Lyn in the 1987 film, voices Motherboard, and Keith David and William Shatner join the cast as Hordak and in an undisclosed role, respectively.
The Plot
Revelation Part 2 concluded its storyline, but evil persists as Skeletor, now in a dangerous new form, remains. Masters of the Universe: Revolution, while not a direct continuation, hints at a new storyline with Skeletor infused with Motherboard’s powers. Despite apparent peace in Eternia, the return of the ominous force, Hordak, promises escalating mayhem. Teela, the new sorceress, teams up with He-Man and the Masters for an epic battle against the malicious technology of Motherboard and the magic of Eternia. The upcoming installment brings an ultimate showdown in the fight to save the planet.
‘Masters of the Universe: Revolution’ Has How Many Episodes?
Ten episodes of Revelation were released in two parts: the first five were available in July 2021, while the second and final five were available in November 2021. It is reasonable to believe that Masters of the Universe: Revolution will likewise feature ten episodes, distributed in two installments. For more information on every episode of Masters of the Universe: Revolution, keep checking back here.
Is there a ‘Masters of the Universe: Revolution’ trailer?
In September 2023, Netflix unveiled a trailer for Masters of the Universe: Revolution during their DROP 01 virtual event. In the action-packed first glimpse, King Randor and the powerful Prince Adam battle the terrifying Scare-Glow. The neon-colored villain keeps expanding and changing into new forms as the two heroes utilise their abilities and weapons to defeat it. However, the strongest man in the universe is not going to lose. So he continues to fight with Grayskull’s strength. But this appears to be a side tale to the larger story of the next installment, which centres on an epic battle between He-Man and a reimagined Skeletor, returning the superhero to the forefront of the narrative.
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