“Goodbye Earth” is an upcoming South Korean Netflix Original dystopian drama directed by Kim Jin-Min and written by screenwriter Jung Sung Joo, known for “Heard It Through the Grapevine” and “Secret Love Affair.” It adapts Kōtarō Isaka’s novel “The Fool At the End of the World.” Isaka’s works also include the novel adapted for the Brad Pitt movie “Bullet Train.” Netflix is set to adapt another Isaka novel, “Seesaw Monster,” with Anne Hathaway and Salma Hayek Pinault attached to star. In this article, we discuss Goodbye Earth: Release date, cast and more. For more information click here.
Goodbye Earth: Release date
The series “Goodbye Earth” is set to premiere globally on April 26th, 2024, at 8 AM GMT, with a total of 12 episodes in Season 1. It was initially expected to release in late 2023 and was announced in January 2022, with casting and filming commencing in the summer of that year. Filming officially concluded as per a Tweet from a K-Drama fan account on September 5th, 2022, sharing an Instagram screenshot.
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Goodbye Earth: Cast
Ahn Eun Jin, known for her roles in “Hospital Playlist” and “Kingdom,” stars in “Goodbye Earth” as Ha Yoon Sang. Yoo Ah-in was originally cast but was edited out due to drug charges, although Netflix still lists him in the media center. He recently appeared in “Hellbound.” Jeon Sung Woo, known for the Korean adaptation of “Designated Survivor,” plays Priest Damiano in “Goodbye Earth.” Kim Yoon Hye, from “Vincenzo,” also joins the cast.
Goodbye Earth: plot
Here’s a translated full synopsis courtesy of Netflix:
“After reports that an asteroid will collide with Earth, and the Korean Peninsula will be in the collision zone, martial law is declared in Korea, and chaos ensues. The conflict between those who believe in the asteroid collision and those who doubt it, criminals escaping from prison, the instigation of charlatans, and the rush for asylum in safe zones lead to a world plunged into disorder. In this chaotic world, a middle school teacher, ‘Sekyung’ (played by Ahn Eun-jin), harbors an indelible trauma after the death of a student who was kidnapped during a protest.
200 days before the predicted apocalypse, yet people continue to live their lives.
Goodbye Earth: Poster
Netflix’s ‘Goodbye Earth’ finally premieres on April 26th after delays. Its teaser poster unveiled a chaos and humanity’s struggle against imminent catastrophe, creating anticipation for the gripping survival tale.
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