Transformers One Trailer: Let’s go back in time to the early days of Cybertron’s heroes and villains, following years of Michael Bay Transformers films (along with Bumblebee and Rise of the Beasts last year). Before they were in disguise, the robots. Make room for Josh Cooley’s Transformers One, the newest animated feature in the canon, which is directed by him.
Transformers One Trailer:
The main characters of Transformers One are Brian Tyree Henry’s D-16, the robot that will eventually become Megatron, and Orion Pax, the future Optimus Prime (voiced by Chris Hemsworth). Even the casual Transformers viewer will be aware that the two end up as sworn enemies. However, in this context, they—along with B-127, Bumblebee, who is voiced by Keegan-Michael Key in a characteristically chatty manner—become friends who must accept their fate in order to save their home planet, while remaining unaware that one of them will eventually try to rule it.
This movie’s scope and scale are appropriately grandiose; fans of the 1986 Transformers: The Movie will identify with it; also, the tone leans younger than that of most Bay flicks. It’s still strange to hear someone other than Peter Cullen voicing Optimus on the big screen, but all in all, it’s a pleasant change. But you might as well employ a god if you’re going to replace a voiceover legend.
When Transformers One opens in theatres on October 11, we’ll find out if this interpretation of the characters is really more than meets the eye.
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