“Under Paris,” a French thriller on Netflix, unfolds during the 2024 Olympics in Paris, where a shark wreaks havoc. Scientist Sophia (Bérénice Bejo) and activist Mika (Léa Léviant) team up with river police commander Adil (Nassim Lyes) to stop the bloodshed as the shark menaces the Seine. It’s dubbed the French “Jaws” and offers a thrilling ride close to home for Olympic competitors. In this article, we discuss about Under Paris: release date, cast, plot, trailer and more.
Under Paris: release date
Under Paris will premiere worldwide on Netflix on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.
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Under Paris: Cast
In “Under Paris,” Bérénice Bejo portrays Sophia, a scientist fighting to save Paris from a man-eating shark. Previously, she starred in “A Knight’s Tale” and “The Artist,” among others. Léa Léviant plays activist Mika, known for her role in “Mortel,” while Nassim Lyes portrays river cop Adil, also featured in “Julia” and “Birds of Paradise.”
Is there a trailer for Under Paris?
Yes! The Under Paris trailer shows a shocked Sophia locating the shark in Paris less than 24 hours before an international triathlon is due to start. “It will be carnage,” she predicts, and it looks as though she might be right. Take a look below… watch
Under Paris: Plot
Under Paris follows grieving scientist Sophia, who discovers that a giant shark has invaded the Seine river just before an international triathlon is due to take place. While the authorities are reluctant to believe her, Sophia knows she must act fast to avoid tragedy.
Under Paris also stars Anaïs Parello, Iñaki Lartigue and José Antonio Pedrosa Moreno.
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